Jed Greenough
Solar flares
Dying forests
Dying economies
Churches with a form of godliness only
Acceptance of deviant lifestyles
Weakening good and strengthening evil
Increasing persecution
Increasing deceit
Where I live I have often had the opportunity to watch as massive powerful storm clouds build up with frightening rapidity and billow and spread thousands and thousands of feet into the sky.
The sight is awe inspiring and it has a way of making you feel small as you know the power being created before your very eyes can cause terrible destruction.
Usually the storms travel upon a fairly predictable track but sometimes the storms descend with a fury in an unpredictable manner as do any that come upon you as you sleep unaware of their approach. Occasionally the storm is visited upon you or a neighbor in the form of terrible tornadoes, damaging winds, hail or torrential downpours.
I wonder about that list above and I liken it to one of those storms. Will the track that is taken be one where some will suffer damage and then repair and rebuild? Or could this be the one perfect storm that descends upon us all as we are all caught “sleeping”?
In Matthew 24 Christ said that no one will know about the day or hour and I am not being that specific as some have done recently but He also said here are the signs of the end of the age. As with most prophecies we won’t know until after the fact if they were a literal list or a figurative one. Some think they are literal but as for me, I can go either way.
When I read that there will be famine, war, revolution and that these are the so-called birth pains I know we have seen those. When I read that we will be handed over for persecution I know it is happening in mild forms here where I live but in the most extreme way in other countries. The deceit is here as are the false prophets.
Are the signs in the heavens just a way of writing for the form of this type of literature seen elsewhere in the Bible or a literal list? Are the signs in heaven something yet to happen or was it the Solar eclipse of January 1st, June 1st, or July 1st this year? Is it the lunar eclipse of June 15th or December 10th? Are the falling stars the meteor showers of any eight that will happen in 2011? Are these the ones Christ was referring to?
My point is we won’t know and He tells us that. He said people will still be eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage just as they were the day Noah entered the ark. And that is why He ends with the story of the faithful and wise servant left in charge of His fellow servants. That servant in charge whether you want the position or not is you the Christian. You have been given a charge and He will descend as a Perfect Storm at a time you do not expect.
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