Friday, July 13, 2012

Do You Talk About Christ With Christians?

Do you talk about Christ with Christians?
That seems like a funny question but think about it.   Outside of church or bible study do you talk about Christ?
Some of us are really good about bringing up God when there are clearly opportunities to witness but many times we don’t utilize all the opportunities we are given.  Here are two examples:
Recently I was at a collector’s show of western memorabilia.  Among the dealers  was a gentleman who didn’t just collect and sell but actually created the spurs and many accessories and jewelry items that he sold.  As I was visiting with him about his products I noticed a couple items with crosses on them including a money clip.  Now I don’t remember many of the details of our conversation because it was mostly one sided, that being mine.  I mentioned the cross on a couple of the items and made some comments about being a Christian and what I did.   I sent out a couple more “feelers” but nothing developed and I moved on.  About a month later the individual contacted me via email about one of his products and in looking at his website I found scripture quoted on the site.  Fellow Christian?  I wouldn’t have known it based on our conversation and it was a weekend for me that would have given me a little nourishment when I needed it.
The next example was also related to collectibles as I had answered an ad on Craigslist and after arriving at terms we started to arrange a meeting for the viewing of the item and I said I couldn’t make it until a certain time because of church.  This opened the opportunity for this individual to discuss with me his ministry.
With the first example I needed to be fed by what turned out to be a fellow Christian and wasn’t.  With the second example I purposely used the opportunity to mention church though it really didn’t matter.  I could have said I can’t be there until noon but I wanted to mention church to see if it led anywhere and it did.  By going there I allowed a fellow Christian to discuss with passion the ministry that he provided others and I will do so again when I meet him.  I can tell he needed it and it did me good as well.
Many of us as Christians need to exercise our indwelling with our brothers and sisters.  We need to talk about what we are doing in our Christian work and how the Holy Spirit is active in our lives.  Much of our time in church were we gather with other Christians is spent listening to sermons and other teachers.  After that we mingle and talk about our golf game, our kids and our vacations.  There isn’t enough of what most of us know of as koinonia.  I like the Wikipedia definition as it says it is, “communion by intimate participation.”  I am afraid most of us don’t get that where we worship.
What I would encourage is to mention church, bible study, God, Christ, being a Christian and so on whenever it makes sense.  I think you will have more opportunities to witness to non-Christians and have more opportunities to encourage and be encouraged when you encounter fellow Christians.
We need this intimate participation and by being aware of that we can be a benefit to more outside the church but what about inside?  If you are in a position to do so consider starting a group or groups that meet informally not to teach and listen but to share how the Holy Spirit is working in the lives of individuals from your church.  If you can’t start it maybe you can be one to plant the seed.
It isn’t surprising when we feel empty when we are in the world but we sure shouldn’t feel that way after we leave church. 

Thursday, February 23, 2012


1 Peter 3:15a says in part, “always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have.”
What we are obviously talking about there is sharing the gospel and as you may have reasoned by the name of this blog and in reading my posts both here and at my main blog I am passionate about the gospel and I got to thinking about that verse and this sharing of the reason for our hope.  I did however come to a realization that I know I have tended to overlook and that is that it is not that easy for everyone.
When we become Christians we receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.  That gift is manifested in us in many different ways.  For those of us that are gifted to preach or teach it should be fairly easy to share the reason for our hope but for those of us who are gifted in a different way such as encouraging others or giving generously it might not be so easy.
For those with these and other gifts though you love Christ and you want others to as well,  sharing your faith is more difficult but the Apostle Peter wasn’t leaving you out just because the calling you have is different from someone who is gifted in a different way. 
For you I would suggest underlining and then committing to memory a short passage of scripture that would make it a matter of habit.  As an example I would give you the following scripture from Romans 5:8a, “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”…..  “While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
I can’t tell you in words how that touches me as I am sure it touches you that though we were undeserving, unrighteous sinners, Christ died for us anyway.  Moving back in Romans 5 a few to verse 2, “And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance, perseverance, character, and character----what hope.  And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us.  You see at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly.  Very rarely will anyone die for a righteous man, though for a good man someone might possibly dare to die.  But God demonstrates His own love for us in this:  While we were still sinners, Christ died for us.”
8 short but powerful words that are just one example of how all of us can find a small, short verse or passage of scripture that we can make through repetition a part of our very fabric so that when asked, all of us regardless of our spiritual gifts can give a reason for the hope that we have.  Is this the only way to do it?  By no means!  Being prepared is something all of us can do if we care about what we are preparing for and practice makes for confidence.  Once you have that confidence start praying for opportunities to share the gospel and start listening to the Holy Spirit when it says that opportunity is now!