Since you are here, I am guessing that you are a Christian and I am happy that you stopped by. And, since you are here, I would like to take this opportunity to ask you a few questions and for you to chew on your responses long after you’ve answered, so let’s go.
When you read the words from 2 Timothy 3:13, “In fact, everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted,” what goes through your mind? Do you stop to think that you aren’t being persecuted in any fashion so therefore you aren’t living a godly life?
Have you ever read how terribly dangerous it was for early Christians who for generations were so horribly martyred for their faith? One book where you can read of some is Foxe’s Book of Martyrs. This book can be downloaded from for free.
Does your church have a class, group or program to educate members so that they can evangelize to the unsaved of your community? If so will you join it, and if there isn’t one, will you do something about that?
If anyone needed to hear it, could you clearly articulate the gospel? I recommend a book entitled, “What is the Gospel?” by Greg Gilbert.
My prayer is that by asking you these questions I will either have helped you feel a bit happy with yourself by your favorable responses and for your work for His kingdom or shamed you or awakened you to action.
Our faith is worth dying for, it is worth learning enough about it that you cannot help but share it. This faith is like God’s word in that it is living and active and if yours isn’t, then there is not faith at all. If that bothers you, do something about it!